Your Ketogenic Lifestyle

Hopefully by now you are feeling all the benefits of the ketogenic lifestyle, including weight loss, diminished cravings and hunger, sustained energy, and mental clarity. 

 Maintaining this lifestyle is truly as simple as this: survey your body and record how you feel right now. Tell yourself that you don’t ever want to go back to feeling restless, hungry, and constantly craving sugar. Your skin is clear, the mental fog has lifted, and you are at or on your way to being in the best mental and physical shape of your life! You are keto-adapted, meaning that you will be able to get back into nutritional ketosis fairly quickly after cycling out at any brief point in time. Best of all: you are preventing, treating, and curing chronic illness and life-threatening disease! 

You DID IT, and you can keep on keto-ing on! 

Keto On The Go 

 I have found that the ketogenic lifestyle is the easiest of all “diets” to follow while dining out, and planning ahead for occasions and meals away from home can make all the difference. 

The more you do it, the more confident you will become. 

Try NOT to focus on what you can’t have and more of what you CAN have. Remember, if you are socializing with friends and having a good time, then the food becomes secondary.