
Men are from Mars… and their cycle lasts 24 hours. Women are from Venus… and our cycles last 28 days! 

Ladies, when we can eat to SUPPORT our hormones, versus eating because we are hormonal, our bodies – and minds – feel so much better. Why spend half of each month – practically half of our lives! – miserable, bloated, and craving everything but the kitchen sink? We can prevent crazy hormone symptoms with delicious, ketogenic foods. Even if you no longer get a period, this is useful information as your body is still changing monthly. During the menstrual phase of your cycle your body is calling for proteins and fats. 

This is a week to stay very low in your carbs and really focus on upping your fats and proteins. 

The follicular phase is when you should be focusing on fermented foods – sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and pickled veggies (beware of added sugars!), and raw cheeses, if you can tolerate dairy. Your body is preparing for ovulation and is asking you to take care of your gut health. If you’re not yet taking a probiotic, now is the time to consider it. 

While we are ovulating, our bodies love raw foods. This is a week to load up on avocados, coconut milk, raw cacao or cocoa powder, salads, and raw seeds/nuts. My favorite “raw” treat during ovulation week is the Bulletproof Get Some Ice Cream, and I have it left over from my menstrual week when I’m focused on proteins and fats! 

The luteal phase is most well-known for PMS symptoms – feeling tired and emotional. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way, and if you are eating to support your hormones, it won’t. This phase calls for fully cooked foods. Instead of raw salads, go for a bowl of roasted veggies, drenched in butter or ghee, and some tasty protein slow cooked in your crock pot or Instant Pot.