There are three macronutrients that the body uses for energy: carbohydrates, protein and fat.
While each person’s macronutrient ratio will vary slightly, to get into ketosis a typical macronutrient intake will look like this:
- 70-80% healthy fats
- 25-30% high quality protein
- 5% carbohydrates

Basically, you want to consume 20 net grams or less of carbohydrates in a day, with a moderate amount of protein and a lot of healthy fats.
Too many carbs and too much protein (more than 9 ounces in a sitting) will kick your body out of ketosis.
Please note that calories are not as important when helping the body to first enter ketosis; we focus on them a little more later on as we discuss ongoing weight loss and weight maintenance.
Eating at a calorie deficit for long periods of time is simply not a sustainable method of providing the body with energy, mental clarity, or overall health.
For these first two weeks together let’s keep the focus on lowering carbs, enjoying healthy fats, and eating high-quality foods.
You can keep keto very simple if you do not mind repeating meals.
Eggs, grass-fed ground beef, chicken thighs, avocado, spinach, coconut, avocado & olive oils, macadamia nuts, unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk and/or cream, butter, ghee, celery, almond butter, and water could get and keep you in ketosis without much prep or thought at all.